Our consulting services fall within one of five primary areas; Management and Operations, Business Financing and Real Estate, Cannabis License Transactions, Competitive Applications, and Media and Communications Strategy for new cannabis licenses.
Maximizing Cannabis License Opportunities
Our Team has the knowledge and expertise to help launch your cannabis start-up and maximize the opportunity that your license creates.
Like any business you need capital to get it off the ground and then more capital to operate the business. Unfortunately, banks and other sources of capital are limited due to your lack of cannabis industry experience and complexities with federal law. The Green Rose Team can help by providing start-up capital as part of any joint-venture agreement, real estate financing agreement, or lease agreement.
New Applications
Building winning ownership and management teams and developing top scoring content for competitive cannabis applications are part of our core strengths.
Review State Law
One of the keys to winning competitive cannabis licenses is to score as many points as possible on your application. To accomplish this, you must have a deep understanding of the laws and regulations in the State that you wish to apply.
Identify Partners
After developing a comprehensive understanding of the relevant state laws and regulations, the next step is to build a diverse applicant group that has the potential to earn every possible point on the application. The Green Rose Team has extensive experience and a successful track record of building winning teams.
Prepare Application
After the Green Rose Team fully analyzes and understands the legal requirements, has assisted you with building your applicant team, and has gathered all of the necessary information about the applicant team, our experienced and proven application writers will begin to prepare the application package.